Map of Oak Grove School
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Community Reviews
Eric Young.
I have returned to this place on a couple of occasions, firstly in 1985 to visit the school itself which I left in 1946 . My second visit was in 1988 to be present at the school's Centenary celebrations. On both occasions the grandeur of the terrain captured me as in my youth - sure there were changes which I had expected to find and did, however it would be in the interests of the School itself if Unesco granted permission for the whole site to be listed as world heritage, there is a history that spans 125 years of providing a good education in a beautiful serene and healthy atmosphere for future generations.Long live OakGrove.
Daniel Francis
I was in Oak Grove from 1969 to 1980 One of the best experience of life this be stated by most of ex students that OG provided us with the best education of that time.
This was one place were students every class and caste mingled with ease the open minded atmosphere prevailing there has till date remained with me. This has helped me a lot. Wish whole of India could be same. It is one of the most democratic school I have seen so far being a teacher myself can say it with confidence that the students passing from this great institution can teach our society tolerance towards others.
Regarding the school buildings they have stood intact for the past hundred and twenty four years and the architecture still amazes me along with the natural beauty as soon as one starts rolling down towards the valley one can feel the tranquility of the place along with the lush green oak trees still standing tall one can easily forget the world and be at peace with one self. Amazing place.
Rajiv Kapoor
I write in the capacity of an ex-student ; I was there from 1967 to 1970 - the best four years of my life. I can proudly say that,as with thousands of us, whatever I am today is because of the education I gained at Oak Grove which will soon celebrate 125 years of existence.
It is a school that has carried some of the best traditions and even as an elite boarding school, entry was never restricted by reason of caste / creed /religion / status. Students have invariably emerged as good citizens and have done India proud, both within and outside the country.
Oak Grove, spread over three hillocks, including a glorious green valley, deserves World Heritage status in order to ensure that apart from its physical format, its intrinsic character is maintained for times to come.